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How to Generate the Proper Report File Using AMAS POS Software - AMAS Website

Generate the sales report for upload to mall-central.com

Step 1: Double Click the SwitchToUploadPrinter shortcut in the Sales Upload folder.

Step 2: Logon to AMAS2000 as manager

Step 3: From the main menu select "Reports Menu"

Step 4: From the Reports Menu select "Invoice/Sales Activity Reports Menu"

Step 5:  Invoice/Sales Activity Reports Menu select "Sales Invoices - Detail Transactions"

Step 6:  Adjust your date range to match the dates you require then click the "Print Report" button

Step 7:  Enter the path to the Upload directory and click ok create the report file. 
Your local Upload path is "C:\Upload\sales.txt".  If a previous report exists you will 
be asked if you want to overwrite the file. Click the OK button to overwrite the file 
if prompted.

This example is from a store that created a C:\Upload directory. We always suggest 
using the Documents or My Documents folder but as you can see, a dedicated folder will
work as long as all helper and report files are in the same folder (aka directory).

Upload the report to Mall-Central.com

Step 1: All that is needed to upload the report is to double click on the shortcut 
"Sales Report Upload" in the Sales Upload folder on the desktop. 

Step 2: Once the upload box closes double click on "SwitchToBrotherPrinter" shortcut 
in the Sales Upload folder on the desktop to restore the default printer to 
the Brother Printer.      

Note: step 2 refers to a custom batch file. For more information contact 


Troubleshooting (Sep 25, 2013):

The report file: sales.txt

needs to be saved in the Documents or My Documents directory.

As you know, there are changes between XP and Win7 and Win8 and how the Document folder 
works and a Library and Users. I dont get it but maybe you do.

For the upload to continue to work three files need to co-exist in the same directory:


That's it and it's that simple.

Another catch is stores create a shortcut and place it on their desktop. What some stores 
do is they create the shortcut and place the original on the desktop. That wont work.
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edited with BBedit 8.0.2