How to Generate the Proper Report Format Using The Mall Sales Manager POS System from Homestead Software
Versions 3.0 and 4.0 From the main screen, select "Tools>Export Comma Delimited Sales File". Fill in the date range you wish to export to Mall-Central. Click OK. Specify the filename as "msmcd" for Mall Sales Manager Comma Delimited. The file will be saved without the usual ".txt" suffix. Select the location to store the exported file. Such as "My Documents". This needs to be the same location where the "helper" files are stored. Press the Save button. One more step. Quit Mall Sales Manager as appropriate. Double-click on the SALES_UPLOAD shortcut on the desktop to do the actual upload. ** Always be sure that the upload filename matches "msmcd" and that MSM-CD is selected as the upload filetype on your Store Page. The Helper Files MALLUPLD.EXE, SALES_UPLOAD.BAT, and MCTEST.BAT need to be downloaded and saved in the same location where you will save the msmcd file such as in your My Documents folder. dtd: 6/4/2015Back to Store Page instructions
Version 2.0 You must create a new printer driver called Generic/Text Only using the Add Printer Wizard. Once you do this you dont have to do it again. Using the wizard select Local Printer Attached to this Computer. Then specify the port as FILE: (print to File). Then select Generic and Generic/Text Only. Finish the wizard as appropriate. From the main screen of Mall Sales Manager, select "File>Printer Setup".Select the Generic printer for the Reports. Remember the printer that was selected as you will want to change it back after creating the report.
From the main screen of Mall Sales Manager, select "Reports>Daily Sales Report".
Select Records for today (or any day).
Print Sales.
Specify the Output Filename as msmcd. Click OK. The usual ".txt" will be appended when viewed in the directory.
It is not sure where this file will be saved (maybe C:\users\public\msmwin20\). Once you find out where it was saved (use START>Search) you will want to move the helper files (ie SALES_UPLOAD.BAT and MALLUPLD.EXE) to the same folder and create a shortcut for SALES_UPLOAD.BAT and place it on the desktop for your convenience. Here is a screenshot from a user's computer screen. Looks like they are using a network and this location is mapped to drive T: (you cannot see this in the screenshot but does explain the icon). This location contains hundreds of files and adding our helper files does no harm - it just makes it difficult to find the files to confirm they are there:
Change the Printer Setup and Quit Mall Sales Manager as appropriate. We want you to create a report first so we can determine where to put the "helper" files. In this example we need to place them in the Msmwin20 drive. We were able to determine this because the file msmcd.txt was found there (Beware: not all Windows machines display the ".txt" extension so you might find msmcd text file). Log into your Store Page to find the following Helper Files: MALLUPLD.EXE SALES_UPLOAD.BAT MCTEST.BAT There is a link on your Store Page with instructions on how to download and install these files. You will want to create a shortcut on your desktop by right mouse click SALES_UPLOAD.BAT on your computer and SEND TO Desktop. Double-click on the SALES_UPLOAD shortcut on the desktop to do the actual upload. NOTE: Always be sure that the Upload Filename matches the saved file (msm or msmcd) and that MSM is selected as the Upload Filetype on your Store Page. Everyday you will need to do the following: - From Mall Sales Manager change the printer setup to Generic - Create a Daily Sales Report - Restore the Printer Setup - Quit Mall Sales Manager as needed - Launch the shortcut That's it! Hints: - You need to upload each day separately. - When you print a new day from MSM you need to get an "overwrite" message. If you dont you are doing something wrong - After uploading each day you need to check your sales on the Report Page before doing another day, otherwise, the next day may not upload. Your account needs to be set up for msmcd.txt for filename and MSM for filetype and file needs to be deleted after upload option needs to be checked. dtd: 12/27/2019
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