How to Generate the Proper Report Format Using Software Gallery POS Software
There are two versions of SOS supported. --- DOS VERSION --- A DOS version of SOS has the upload capability built in. It uses Upload Filename: UPLOAD.TXT and Upload File Type: SOSADV. SOS can be contacted for further instructions on how to create the UPLOAD.TXT file and where it is saved (probably same as the Windows version - see below). --- WINDOWS VERSION --- Their new Windows version also has the upload function built-in and instructions for configuring and using it is as follows: 1) go to the Management Menu 2) go to Customizing SOS 3) go to end-of-day customizing you need to customize the end-of-day routine by answering questions numbered 31 and 32 appropriately: 31) YES 32) C:\UPSALES (SOS defaults to this name) Is "upsales" in upper or lower case? Make note of this. ALSO, A SMALL BUG IN SOS MEANS YOU MUST REMOVE THE C:\ from (32). SOS will not create this new folder (directory) so you will have to. From the Windows desktop double left click the "My Computer" icon located in the upper left hand corner of the monitor and then double-click on C: drive (local drive). Next, select New Folder from the File menu. This will create a new folder and will probably be located at the bottom of the window, scroll down as needed. Click on the name of the new folder and type in UPSALES for the name of the new folder. Download the three support files: MALLUPLD.EXE SALES_UPLOAD.BAT MCTEST.BAT and place them in the UPSALES folder that you just created. Instructions for downloading these files is located on the Store Page. Go to your Store Page, sign in, and scroll down to the middle of the blue section. On the right side you'll see a list of three files. Do a right click on the first file MALLUPLD.EXE and "Save Target As ..." which brings up a window/dialog. You'll have to navigate to the right folder (UPSALES) and click the "Save" button in the lower right hand corner. Repeat for the next two files. Look inside the UPSALES folder and verify that the three files are there. MALLUPLD.EXE has a three cherry icon. Before we forget, make a shortcut of SALES_UPLOAD.BAT and place it on the desktop for your convenience. This is done by right-clicking on the SALES_UPLOAD.BAT file, choose Make Shortcut and save it on your desktop. You can also place it on your toolbar. To test the upload process, double click the MCTEST.BAT file. A dialog may appear that says "Publisher Not Verified", click OK and run the program. A black screen will flash on and then disappear. Go back to your Store Page, sign in as needed, scroll down to the middle of the blue section, click on the refresh button and below the refresh button you'll see a list of three files in green. One of them should say: MALLUPLD.EXE (159.744) <--GOOD UPLOAD!!!! which means everything is good and we are 99% of the way there. Now, if everything was done right you need to do an end-of-day process which will create the report file "UPLOAD.TXT" in your UPSALES directory. At the End of Day Close and after you do a backup there is a menu selection located below the backup menu item called Create File to Upload to Mall Sales Reporter. Select this and when the menu reappears you're done. After closing SOS for the day, click on the shortcut UPLOAD_SALES.BAT and in a few munutes the upload will be completed and your dealers will be able to review their sales on-line. ARCHIVE ACCOUNTS needs to Create a new account using the same Store ID appended with "-archive" and using the same Upload Directory. Download and install the three helper files into the C:\WSOS\Data\ folder (or is it C:\SOSW\DATA\ ?). Make shortcut of SALES_O\UPLOAD.BAT and rename it SALES_ARCHIVE.BAT and place shortcut on desktop. Once a month, ie after closing the month, launch SALES_ARCHIVE.BAT. --- OTHER VERSIONS/METHODS --- These work with the native RECENT.DBF file. Depending on the SOS version/release date, the Upload Filename is RECENT.DBF and the Upload File Type is either SOS or SOSW. Other Upload File Types will be created as needed depending on your version of SOS. This method does not require you to generate a Report File as the native RECENT.DBF is the one that is uploaded. RECENT.DBF contains sales data from the last time you did a payout.Back to Store Page instructions